Bible Devotions

How Worshipful is Your Small Group?

There are many ways to worship. You might think about selecting a certain praise & worship song to play at the beginning of your small group time. If you do, bring the song lyrics as well. If you don’t  have the lyrics, you can always find them on the internet. Open an internet browser, in the search box, type in “free lyrics for artist name song title”.

Play the song on a portable stereo or on your computer. Pass out lyrics and allow the group to sing aloud if they want to. Encourage everyone that it’s not the quality of our voice that counts, but that we make “a joyous noise unto the Lord.”

Another way to worship is to have the group think of the multifaceted characteristics of God. There’s a little game I play with my group that works out real nicely. It’s called Worship ABC. Using the alphabet, we think of a characteristic of God for each letter of the alphabet. Start with A. Have everyone think of something starting with “A”. You might start the conversation with something like, “I thank you God, for being All-Knowing.” Go around the room until no one can think of anymore “A” characteristic, then switch to “B.” Repeat this until you finish the alphabet. It’s fun. Just watch how the Spirit does the prompting!

Discover other ways to worship in small group here.

(c) ThinkOnIt Bible Ministries Inc.

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